Event stand sales training – are your sales people ready? (Part 1)

Our top five tips for effective event stand sales training

It’s not unusual to have a mix of selling experience when exhibiting on a stand. So how do you prepare your chosen sales people to exhibit effectively on a stand in the near future? Read on to find out how, in the first of our two part event stand training blogs.

Our top five tips for event stand training are:

  1. Understand your customer
    A typical visitor will have a plan for the day and a fixed timeframe to visit certain stands. They may be tired and irritable especially in the afternoon, and worst of all, they will be expecting a sales person! Show empathy, be kind to them, offer them a seat or a drink. They’ll be more likely to spend time with you on your stand if you do.
  2. Shorten the sales cycle
    Time is short so keep your process brief. Engage with your visitor, Investigate to gather the key facts, Deliver key messages and ensure you have a strong Call to action.
  3. Have an interest grabber for the runners
    This one is for the visitors that haven’t even noticed you or your stand. Be prepared with a statement that you feel comfortable with using and not just the one your manager tells you to use. “What can I sell you today’” is not the way to attract your runners!
  4. Be prepared for the walkers
    For the customers who just wander onto your stand, simply have a warm welcome statement or maybe an ice breaker. Most important – be ready to listen to their needs.
  5. Don’t underestimate your natural personality
    Be confident, use the right tone and be yourself. It will be obvious to a visitor when you try too hard!

Having worked on event stands for over 20 years, the most important advice we can give you is to enjoy it. Have a run through some role plays with some of your colleagues to practice your patter, stay confident and act naturally.

If you would like your team to take part in some event stand sales training, we can help you to improve your interactions with potential new customers with our short and impactful event stand sales training courses.

Contact us today and don’t miss out on generating the most leads and revenue possible from your forthcoming event. Don’t risk returning to the office with sub-par numbers.

Now read on for our next five tips for event stand training…